Tuesday, April 5, 2011


The Nokia Morph is a phone which is not only technologically advanced but also biologically.It's a phone which is perfect for everyday life,you can wear it on your hand,use it as a tab. and many other things.Check out this video.


Is it a hair band?,Is it a giant rubber band?,No it is concept phone from Nokia.This is the Nokia 888,the most flexible phone that i have ever seen.And guess what this phone even does sit-ups when the alarm rings. Check out this video for more info.Enjoy


Yup this a concept smartphone by Mozilla.It's looks great and has really cool functions.Check out the video for a full feature information.Enjoy!

Nokia N900 – MeeGo Phone with Better Performance

Nokia N900   MeeGo Phone with Better Performance
This is a small update video related to CybercomLab last video.On this video they demonstrate the same QML based UI on top of MeeGo with the same functionality as in the previous video, but with better performance. Video after the break!

Samsung Focus – Windows Phone 7 NoDo demo

windows phone 7
This is a video demo of Windows Phone 7 “NoDo” vs RTM on AT&T Samsung Focus. Check it out after the break.

HTC Sense demoed on Tablet

HTC Sense for Tablets
PhoneArena presents a video demonstration of the HTC Sense UI for Tablets. Check it out after the break.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Android Tablet: Motorola Xoom Games and Apps demo

Motorola Xoom
Heres a video demo of new games and apps for the Motorola Xoom (Android Tablet) showing at CTIA 2011 in Orlando. The video includes games such as Great Battles Medieval, Vendetta Online, Galaxy on Fire 2 and apps including Qello, a streaming live concert app announced this morning as well as Accuweather.